We are a registered Singapore travel and tour agency (Licence No TA03363N).
UEN: 201940714G EMAIL : info@janestours.sg PHONE : +65 97320706
We offer anytime private Wartime Singapore tours, available by clicking the links below.
Learn about the Japanese invasion in 1942, and the events leading up to the unexpected capitulation of “Fortress Singapore, Gibraltar of the East” changed the course of Singapore’s history. Things would literally never be the same again.
These tours are popular in the lead up to Anzac Day in April and Remembrance Day in November.
Learn more about how and why the Japanese invaded Singapore during WWII, visit the Kranji War Memorial, the landing beaches, and battlefield sites on Singapore’s north coast.
The impact of the Japanese occupation of Singapore on the local population, especially the Chinese, was brutal. It was also devastating for the previously “invincible” Western population, the majority of whom were imprisoned.
The Japanese Surrender of Singapore – September 1945
So often we associate these words with the ignominious surrender to the Japanese on 15 February 1942, but the surrender by the Japanese on 12 September 1945 is an equally important date in the story of WWII in Singapore.
We are a registered Singapore travel and tour agency (Licence No TA03363N).
UEN: 201940714G EMAIL : info@janestours.sg PHONE : +65 97320706