
Spooky Singapore:
Sunset at Bukit Brown
The Unseen World
of Spirits & Demons

Spooky Singapore: Sunset at Bukit Brown Cemetery

Take a sunset stroll with our heritage guide and Dani, our guest guide on spiritual life and magic, through the fascinating Bukit Brown Cemetery area, an old Chinese cemetery lying in a forgotten nook in the heart of Singapore. One of the last resting places of so many pioneers who came here to fulfil their dreams.

Savour the peaceful ambience and lovely scenery evocative of our local history and heritage. Under the spreading shade of ancient trees discover the fascinating stories and legends behind these tombs resting in the tangled undergrowth.

The Chinese consider long life a blessing, but they are equally preoccupied with death. Since ancient times, burial grounds have been selected with great care as the well-being of the dead affects the fortunes of their descendants.

Chinese believe that all life emanates from the mountains and therefore it is not surprising that in the past most of the hillocks in Singapore were littered with “horse shoe” shaped tombs. Alas, many have had to give way to urban redevelopment.

With the upcoming Qing Ming Festival in mind, learn about traditional Chinese customs relating to death rituals, funerals, burials and ancestor worship.

At dusk, ‘the gloaming’ , Dani will take you into the world of spirits and the significance of cemeteries in magical arts. We will explore the perspectives that cemeteries are not only resting places of the dead, but vibrant energy zones that are typically used for spell-casting for money, love and abundance. We will cover the magical rules of engagement, well known superstitions and what to do and what not to do, the tradition of cemetery guardians and which type of cemeteries best support magical workings.

This promises to be both spooky, informative and perspective shifting as we bring life and laughter into a place which exists in every community and city on the planet and which is often perceived to be dark and gloomy. What you will find is quite the opposite!

Itinerary of Jane's Singapore Tours
Map Location of Jane's Singapore Tours

Meet at the main gates, Bukit Brown Cemetery
36C Lor Halwa, Singapore 298637

Customer Reviews

Our customers say...

LBy-1, SG - TripAdvisor
Tour of Bukit Brown Cemetery ....sensational

Professional yet intimate and friendly, Jane’s tour of Bukit Brown cemetery along with Claire and Dani was sensational.

I learnt so much about Singapore’s past as well as understanding cultures from a new perspective. and the Full moon setting through the jungle was a huge added bonus.

I would definitely recommend

EllyBelly, SG - TripAdvisor
Bukit Brown Cemetery Walk

I’d heard about Jane’s tours pretty much since I arrived in Singapore but hadn’t been able to book onto one for various personal reasons, 8 years later and I finally managed it! All I can say is it was worth the wait. Jane is knowledgeable yet personable, and if it’s not her specialty she will find the perfect person to guide us, which is just what she did for the Bukit Brown Cemetery walk. A pleasure to be in her easy company. I certainly won’t wait 8 years to book on another tour with Jane.
Thank you for a very special memorable evening.

Karin, SG - TripAdvisor
Pleasure to attend a walking tour at Bukit Brown Cemetery

Magical tour feeling the wings of history
Had the pleasure to attend a walking tour at Bukit Brown Cemetery, guided by Jane, Dani and Claire.
The passion and knowledge with which the guides talked about Singapore culture, WWII and the cultural as well as religious practises were spell binding. Add the extra ordinary beauty of the jungle setting and its pure magic. If you have the opportunity to go on one of Jane’s walking tours.
You will not be disappointed.

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